DIY Gardening

A Healthy Garden

Starts With Healthy Soil

  • Identify your soils plant-available nutrient levels
  • Customized organic recommendations tailored to your soil
  • Correct poor performing and problem areas
  • Evaluate different garden beds and plots
  • Simple-to-use customer interface allows management of your samples in one location, year after year
  • Perfect and measure compost
  • Sustainable applications; apply only the fertilizer and amount your garden needs

Take out the guesswork. Start perfecting your soil and grow a healthy and productive garden each year!

When To Sample

Annual Gardens

  • Pre-Plant
  • Mid Season Sampling

Established Trees, Shrubs & Vines

  • Early Spring
  • Late Spring/Early Summer
  • Fall
Product Application Timing


  • Roses require constant feeding during their blooming season. To keep them happy, spoon-feed your roses every 2-3 weeks with your recommended fertilizer. It is best to feed them at lower rates more often, rather than one large feeding. It is best to feed only well-established plants, as seedlings can be adversely affected by direct feeding.


  • Trees and shrubs like an application of a balanced granular fertilizer. This should be accomplished in the spring and fall. Apply your recommended fertilizer in spring, early summer, and fall.

Vegetable Garden

  • Before planting, work recommended fertilizer into the soil.
  • Most summer vegetables require abundant nutrients. Tomatoes and corn, for example, are heavy nitrogen consumers. To provide consistent nutrients for fruit-producing plants, we recommend monthly sampling to ensure your plants have adequate nutrients and to minimize misapplication.